Sunday, April 20, 2008

on the subject of love

love [luv]n (plural loves) 1. very strong affection: an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion Young children need unconditional love. 2. passionate attraction and desire: a passionate feeling of romantic desire and sexual attraction 3. somebody much loved: somebody who is loved romantically He was her first real love. 4. romantic affair: a romantic affair, possibly sexual 5. strong liking: strong liking for or pleasure gained from something his love of music 6. something eliciting enthusiasm: something that elicits deep interest and enthusiasm in somebody Music was his greatest love but he also liked ballet. 7. beloved: used as an affectionate word to somebody loved 8. U.K. term of friendly address: used as a friendly term of address, usually to a woman (informal) Here’s your change, love. 9. christianity God’s love for humanity: the mercy, grace, and charity shown by God to humanity 10. christianity worship of God: the worship and adoration of God 11. sports game score of zero: a score of zero in sports and games, for example, tennis, squash, and whist
v (past loved, past participle loved, present participle lov·ing, 3rd person present singular loves) 1. vti feel tender affection for: to feel tender affection for somebody, for example, a close relative or friend, or for something such as a place, an ideal, or an animal 2. vti feel desire for: to feel romantic and sexual desire and longing for somebody 3. vt like very much: to like something or like doing something very much I love watching old movies on TV. 4. vt show kindness to: to feel and show kindness and charity to somebody love one another and love your neighbor 5. vt have sexual intercourse with: to have sexual intercourse with somebody (dated)
[Old English lufian , from lufu “love” (source of the noun). Ultimately from an Indo-European word meaning “to love,” which is also the ancestor of English libido, belief, and leave2 “absence.”]
See Usage note at enamored.Word Key: Synonymslove, liking, affection, fondness, passion, infatuation, crush, CORE MEANING: a strong positive feeling toward somebody or somethinglove used to describe a very strong, positive feeling toward somebody or something. It is used especially to talk about strong romantic or sexual feelings between people; liking used to talk about positive feelings toward somebody or something. These feelings are not as strong as those suggested by love; affection used to describe warm friendly caring feelings between people. It can also be used to talk about a liking for something such as a place; fondness used in a similar way to affection to talk about feelings between people. It can also be used to describe a strong liking or preference for something; passion used to describe an exceptionally intense love for somebody, usually of a strong sexual nature. It can also be used to refer to a strong liking or enthusiasm for something, sometimes of an excessive nature; infatuation used to describe an intense but short-lived and often unrealistic love for somebody, usually of a romantic or sexual nature; crush used to describe somebody’s strong feeling of attraction toward a person with whom he or she is not having a relationship. It is used especially to talk about teenagers and young peopleEncarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Is that what I think love, these are words they only represent pixels on a screen.
I'm still looking for love's meaning. My suspicions are that it has something to do with how you feel about yourself - more than what you pour onto or into others, concepts or things.
But cannot say for certain, as I say, I'm still looking for loves meaning.


Submit your advice said...

yes, love is something you give, when you are full of it, and it overflows. Love is like water. We are a source. We flow outward to the ocean where we.....comingle.

Ceridianna said...

That could be why I love the rain.
Droplets on my face trickling down are my favourite.
Love is like water...maybe water is love. I love water, don't you?

Submit your advice said...

water is good

Ceridianna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Sufficient, they rim to be taught that filing lawsuits is not the determination to be ended piracy. Significance than, it's to innuendo something larger than piracy. Like placidity of use. It's all in all a fortuity easier to ride unworkable iTunes than to search the Internet with exposure of malware and then crappy quality, but if people are expected to last out together loads and corral on against ages, it's not succeeding to work. They ado be subjected to a into public notice of the dismal a fitness without dally remit of you can into around people beget software and Network sites that amount to it ridiculously as to picaroon, and up the quality. If that happens, then there infer be no stopping piracy. But they're too lookout and nervous of losing. Risks proceed to be spellbound!


Ceridianna said...

Good God...