Today, I began studying again after a fairly long...sabatical is incorrect, rather delinquency.
Strange, as I rather enjoy studying, even that's a lie. I enjoy learning to do things that will make my life easier is more like.
Also, I like to know what I'm talking about, coming from a place of ignorance is not comfortable. So, when asked for an opinion or recommendation, I need to feel confident that I'm in a good place to give advice from.
I hate it when people yak off at the mouth and expect you to swoon at their brilliance. I don't ever want to be considered that person. And yet, I fear that I've already stepped over that line, more than a couple of times. That's just honesty speaking now.
When I think of it though, you really have to be careful when coaching, teaching, mentoring, whatever the heck you want to call it...because, consequences of leading people down the wrong path can be deadly.
When I think of the advice I've handed off so easily over the years, I cringe.
I hope people listen, but make up their own minds about things, carve their own path through the jungle.
Imagine living in the stone age for example. Did those innocent folk have "experts" to hand them manuals on how to do "life"? well I don't know of course,(not that old, just nearly) but if my suspicians are correct, the answer is no.
In my imagination, I picture an early male standing up and grunting away loudly, arms flapping, getting louder, and one of the group sauntering up and cuffing him upside the head, at which point the ambitious fellow would retreat, sitting back down, grunting in a softer tone before finally stopping, perhaps to watch a shooting star. I bet he even emmits a little quivering, high pitched croon while he watches it fall into the horizon.
Hey, I really like this guy, I think I'll name him UNO.
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