Uh oh...we're addicted again...yup, as an addictive society we've become addicted to "house porn".
What's house porn? It's the need to have the most beautiful, up to the minute, better than the "Jones's" super, duper, big gulp, spike heeled, nip'd, tuck'd, lotsa make-up and jewelry, watch HGTVbuy the glossy mag, pay the highest price, build palatially, 7 car garage, pool and cabana boy, stretch your budget...roof over your head. Gotta have it, can't live without it, it's more important than my kids, I'll work till I drop for it, place to put my things. Ever watch Colin and Justin? Perfect examples of House Porn Pimps...just look again, you'll see what I mean!
Stuff porn - so much stuff that we need to rent storage unit(s) to house our stuff...that no-one will buy from you because they have the same "stuff" that they need to store and cannot bring themselves to give away as they know how much they paid for it.
Car porn - that's an easy one...ego, ego, ego...on for lumps of rubber with air inside.
Holiday porn - going away to.....why? to get away from the mansion with the "full-0-bills" mailbox? You mean the mansion that you have exactly the way you said you want it, isn't nice enough for you to enjoy on a few days off work (that you go to daily to pay for it)? What?
Call me really, really slow, but I d o n ' t g e t i t!
to much of a good thing gets boring...
what an interesting perspective you have on things...
joe barilla
yes, because I can...I do : )
said ze dog, wiz a slurp
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