O.K. I'll try to explain...porn is not naked people...no, it's not...porn is what happens when free range thinking becomes trapped in a zone of over zealousness and, addictive behaviour is the result...when rational thinking is tossed over for another hit of what makes you forget...uh huh, you heard me...I said forget.
Know why? I'll tell ya why. 'cause we all have something we need to forget...we all need shelter from the storm of daily discomfort we put ourselves through. Mmmmm yeah, now you are with me, right?
Know how I know? I've been addicted to every form of escapism on the planet at some time in my life...when reality and responsibility are stuffed into a dark closet and the door locked on them. Those days were wonderful...and, being human and excruciatingly honest, I must admit, not entirely over...and, that's how I know. Been there, am there and until my ego is nothing but a shrivelled bit of mushroom manure (hopefully magic mushrooms Alice) will continue to be there.
I even believe that life threatening illness is a form of escapism...more on that later...yawn, I'm tired now...time to crawl into my escape hatch and dream of this and that. (Don't even try to guess)
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