Saturday, May 9, 2009

Akrasia - in a nut shell

I won't bore you with the definition. If you are reading this blog...well, I guess you know full well the meaning...don't you?

Don't fear however, seems that the entire world is afflicted with Akrasia and there is little or nothing that anyone, in this day, can do to reverse it!

Once one realizes the nature of Akrasia the only solution is to "unlearn" the patterned behaviour before it ends us in a lamentable state of perpetual anguish.
Well, this nut, for one, thinks it's all about control...losing it when we are young...becoming the controlled. Rebelling against the control freaks when we are adolescents and liking the power it made us feel we had. Becoming addicted to that power, if only over our own decisions and in turn, becoming the control freak. The circle of life or just the circle of sadness.
Knowing of course that many things we were told were bad, are absolutely good for us and those things we were given as rewards, were ultimately bad for us...celebrate with cake...hmmm.
o.k. let's look at that one:
- you are happy, you celebrate with something that is ultimately bad for you...simple cake...tastes so good, makes you happy for a few minutes, but if you have two or more pieces, you start to feel really bad...then you are told that it is bad for you to eat to much cake, that you only get when you are celebrating...happy, don't ... happy and celebrating are bad then...because our little brains don't distinguish between some and too much...there is no switch that is pulled when you've gone too far! The term "everything in moderation" doesn't fly anymore as once you are "in it" (the indulgent state) it is near impossible to pull out!
Ahhh to be a saint...